What is Degen Sports?
Degen Sports is excited to share news of new generative milepost

The team at Degen Sports is celebrating today. A new achievement has laid the foundation for the team to move forward as hurdles have been cleared. Specifically, the project is confident ion it’s plan and ability for producing monthly generative art drops.

The NFT community was built with leadership from programmers and developers. Despite a history leading various business entities, project leadership has worked hard to gain the technical skills necessary to exceed future supporter expectations.

In addition to professionally executed monthly (approx.) drops, Degen Sports will place a premium on analytics. Rarity Tools is a cornerstone of the NFT Community because it provides great value. Degen Sports is determined to contribute to a great “Looks Rare” culture!

Today’s Accomplishment

Please Note: The following images do NOT portray future project art. We are currently hiring an artist.

Today our team tested various components of our generative art script. We valued actual experience in this technical area, so we crafted some logo components to help test the script. Degen Sports’ ‘Test Edition’ will feature three traits. These include Backgrounds, Crowns and NFT Culture.

Upon running the program, we successfully achieved our generative milepost. The program produced 20 initial NFTs that will not be minted. Within the initial set was the below “Diamond on Diamond” logo. Knowing rarity percentages, our team erupted when the below image was produced at a 0.14% likelihood.

Generative logo
Looks Rare!
Wen Mint?

This “Diamond on Diamond” logo may or may not be minted. Today’s generative art was simply a test. We will, however, utilize a future set of generative outputs featuring these images and traits for a live market test. We anticipate that this collection will be for sale on OpenSea soon. Follow us on social media for all project updates.

More Examples that are NOT our Art

Please enjoy the following examples of “art” that is NOT our art. 😂🤣😂

Mac Jones joke art
We think this is Mac Jones
Patrick Mahomes? Maybe??

Just so we’re extra clear: Degen Sports is currently hiring an artist.